Download the logo for your online forum and select a place to use it on your site.
Download the desired information sheet(s) and modify the yellow highlighted areas to your specific needs (internal, local, or national resources).
Link the logo to the information sheets on your site and market as desired across all applications.
Effective and ethical use of the logo is free of copyright. (Email if you need any logo adjustments - transparent background, black background, higher resolution, etc.) The complete Program Outline is available here.
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
(Example only, please download updated sheets, below)
Download the information sheets and modify to include local resources across your jurisdiction or for within your own company or agency. You can include agency names, advocates, law enforcement, shelter information, and more. This can be included online or printed for in-person resources.
All documents are included in Word format for easy editing to add your local resources, agency name, etc.. All yellow highlighted areas are included to identify points for your modification.
“No One Should Ever: Degrade You, Threaten You, Hurt You.” Domestic Violence “1, 2, 3” Information Sheet
“Are You Being Hurt at Home?” Basic Domestic Violence Resource Text
Child Abuse
(Example only, please download updated sheets, below)
Download the information sheets and modify to include local resources across your jurisdiction or for within your own company or agency. For Child Abuse programs, you can include these sheets within your school curriculum and/or Google Classroom as its own separate online class (ensure to be age appropriate). Resources can also be printed as part of curriculum, mandated reporter training materials, handouts, and more. Incorporate this into your current program to share across resources with the HomeSafeHome Program logo.
All documents are included in Word format for easy editing to add your local resources, agency name, etc.. All yellow highlighted areas are included to identify points for your modification.
“No One Should Ever: Make You Feel Bad, Scare You, or Hurt You.” Child Abuse “1, 2, 3” sheet for children 5th grade and up
“Are You Being Hurt at Home?” Child Abuse introduction sheet (Children 2nd grade and up)
Elder Abuse Program
Download the information sheets and modify to include local resources across your jurisdiction or for within your own company or agency. For Elder Abuse programs, you can include these sheets as part of your engagement through protective or caregiver services, or any physician, physical therapy, etc. program.
All documents are included in Word format for easy editing to add your local resources, agency name, etc.. All yellow highlighted areas are included to identify points for your modification.
Elder Abuse Resources Coming Soon.
HomeAlone Recognition Program
The HomeAlone Recognition Program helps unify agencies and resources across a jurisdiction, corporation, or online community to help participants know they are not alone because there are people ready and willing to help them. Easily added to any site to modify for your agency’s own needs.
HomeAlone program COMING SOON.