
National Resource links related to domestic violence, child abuse, and elder abuse are provided below for consideration. These nationwide organizations, which are a selected combination of private, non-profit, and government entities, also have excellent resource documents to include on any of your sites, in addition to what is provided by the HomeSafeHome program.

Some of the resources are applicable for all ages and relationships, but are abuse-type specific (such as those organizations that focus on sexual abuse). Those are included in the “Domestic Violence (and Violence Against Persons)” section, below. Organizations specific to family violence are included under “Child Abuse.”

Including local resource information on your websites can be extremely helpful if you operate within a particular city/county or jurisdiction (example, using the HSH program across all government sites and forwarding users to local contact information). This also ties the abuse victim into places nearby within the community where s/he can go for assistance.

Take an opportunity to review the National sites included below and utilize the information provided to guide website or program users to the best resources you feel fit your platform. Consider adding generic resource links to local or national assistance centers for food and shelter, welfare assistance, legal aid, etc.

For those looking to help a friend or family member during COVID-19, please check out these resources here Tips for Helping a Friend Experiencing Domestic Abuse during COVID-19.